Examination of the Impact of Brand Communities on Social Networks on Brand-Customer Interactions and Brand Loyalty (Case Study: Leather Brand Dorsa on Instagram)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan, Iran

2 MSc, Department of Business Management, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan, Iran


The widespread presence of consumers in social networks, on the one hand, and the desire and obligation of companies to create and maintain their customers, on the other hand, have led companies to use social networks as a platform to create a brand community. Virtual brand communities have the same features as real brand communities. The current research has investigated the impact of brand community commonalities (consciousness of kind, shared rituals and traditions, and moral responsibility) on customer engagement with the brand and brand loyalty. The research data were collected using the distribution and collection of 384 online questionnaires among the followers of Dorsa leather brand page on Instagram. The result of data analysis using structural equation modeling with use of LISREL software showed that the brand community commonalities have positive effect on customer-brand engagement. Also, the results showed that the brand community commonalities, and customer-brand engagement have positive effect on brand loyalty. Among the brand community commonalities, the shared rituals and traditions have the greatest impact on customer-brand engagement. Research findings can be used by companies to manage their brand in cyberspace.
