Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Coolness in Tourism Destinations

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc, Department of Management Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Management, and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Dep. of Management Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Management, and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


The field of tourism has become one of the centers of attention of every country, because recently we have seen its increasing growth in the world. For this reason, every developing country will have promising opportunities for its development in that sector. A literature review on perceived coolness is a new concept in creative tourism. Perceived coolness is the consumer's perception of high quality, freshness, and achieving goals creatively. Previous research has shown that whenever the desired experience is supported by an emotional feeling such as a 'cool' feeling, which is creatively made, this will lead to satisfaction and continuity in the use of the tourist destination. The; purpose of this article is to determine four antecedents of perceived coolness (perceived value, uniqueness, identification, and attractiveness) and four consequences of perceived coolness (destination loyalty, place attachment, revisit intention, and authentic pride) of tourists in tourism destinations. The results of this research were obtained from a total of 217 Iranian tourists who visited selected cities in Iran (Yazd, Shiraz, Esfahan, and Mashhad). In this research, partial least square 3 (PLS 3) structural approach was used to analyze 217 valid responses. The results of this research proved that identification and attractiveness are the antecedents of perceived coolness that have a positive effect on perceived coolness, and perceived coolness has a positive effect on destination loyalty, place attachment, revisit intention, and authentic pride.


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